Page contentsPage contentsAgenda and Meeting ReportPresentations Agenda and Meeting Report List of participants 22 Nov 2016Meeting report 22 Nov 2016 Presentations Report from the Steering GroupReport from WG1 'Research Standards and Guidances'Report from SIG 'Measuring impact of pharmacovigilance activities'Election of the ENCePP Steering Group50 years of pharmacovigilance - unfinished jobIdentifying opportunities for 'Big Data' in medicines development and regulatory scienceMeta-analysis of safety - thoughts from CIOMS XEURO-SALT - a study of drug exposed acute liver injury in European transplant centresPragmatic Trials - The Salford Lung StudyEMA draft framework of collaboration with academiaScientific guidance on post-authorisation efficacy studiesThe General Data Protection Regulation and use of health data_ challenges for pharmaceutical regulationENCePP Seal studies and imposed PASS_ new compliance and disclosure measures