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European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance


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News (134)

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  • News article

The first meeting of the new ENCePP Steering Group took place on 21 March 2012 at the European Medicines Agency in London.

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  • News article

On 21 November 2011 the ENCePP Steering Group adopted the 2nd revision of the Code of Conduct 1 year after its initial launch.

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  • News article

On 22 November 2011 the ENCePP Steering Group adopted the ENCePP position paper on the interpretation of the definition of non-interventional trials under the current legislative framework (“Clinical Trials Directive” 2001/20/EC).

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  • News article

The next ENCePP Plenary meeting will take place on Wednesday, 23 November 2011, 9.30-16.30 at the European Medicines Agency in London.

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  • News article

The 2nd joint DIA/EMA ENCePP Information Day will be taking place on Monday, 7 November 2011 at the European Medicines Agency in London.

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  • News article

On 29 June 2011 a workshop with medical journal editors took place with the aim of introducing ENCePP and its key principles to journal editors and to obtain their feedback on the initiative.

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  • News article

The seventh plenary meeting of ENCePP which took place on 30 June 2011 has heard that the network has grown considerably over the past few months, with over 100 resources from 17 different European countries now registered.

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  • News article

ENCePP has submitted a response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the concept paper on the revision of the ‘Clinical Trials Directive’ 2001/20/EC.

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