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European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance

Special interest groups

ENCePP special interest groups (SIGs) are created within the network based around a shared interest in particular topics. The role of these SIGs is to lead and advise the ENCePP Steering Group, on the activities of ENCePP in specific areas. This enables to better focus and progress discussions on topic-related issues, thus expediting the generation of specific outputs.

Special interest groups have no maximum membership and are open to interested representatives from any ENCePP centre or network.

Special interest group chairs report on their group’s activities to the ENCePP Steering Group and the ENCePP Plenary.


Active SIGs:

There are currently no active SIGs.


Closed SIGs:

SIG on Drug Safety in Pregnancy

A key task for the SIG is to regularly review the “Overview of data sources for drug safety in pregnancy research” that was developed by the University of Bath as a deliverable of an EMA funded study on the safety of A/H1N1 vaccines in pregnant women.

  • General publications
  • 24 October 2023
Mandate of SIG 'Pregnancy'


SIG on Measuring the Impact of Pharmacovigilance Activities

The mandate of the ENCePP SIG on Impact is to provide recommendations (e.g. in form of guidance documents or publications in peer-reviewed journals) to the PRAC Interest Group (IG) on Impact on the key methodologies for measuring health outcomes of pharmacovigilance activities which contribute to the overall evaluation of the impact of pharmacovigilance systems in line with the PRAC Strategy on Measuring the Impact of Pharmacovigilance Activities.

  • General publications
  • 24 October 2023
Mandate of SIG 'Impact'