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European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance

Steering Group

ENCePP Steering Group

The ENCePP Steering Group (SG) was established in 2010 to oversee the mid to long-term implementation of ENCePP. The Steering Group consists of 20 members with a balance of expertise and experience (regulatory, conduct of pharmacoepidemiological studies, patients, healthcare professionals, ethical issues). Six members of the Steering Group are elected representatives from the ENCePP Plenary. From 2014 onwards, the term of service of the Steering Group is three years.

The ENCePP Steering Group defines and safeguards the objectives and principles of ENCePP and decides on operational tasks of the network. The Steering Group is the highest authority of ENCePP and thus is its final decision making body. It acts as adjudicator in case of discrepancies or complaints in the context of the ENCePP network.

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General publications27 June 2024
Mandate of the ENCePP Steering Group - June 2024


Composition of the ENCePP SG 2024-2026

Name Affiliation Representing
Helga Gardarsdottir (Co-chair) Utrecht University, the Netherlands ENCePP partners
Catherine Cohet (Co-chair) European Medicines Agency, Data Analytics and Methods Task Force, the Netherlands EMA
Alejandro Arana RTI Health Solutions, Spain ENCePP partners
Annalisa Landi TEDDY European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research, Italy ENCePP partners
Christos Kontogiorgis Democritus University of Thrace, Laboratory of Hygiene and Environmental Protection, Greece ENCePP partners
Marco Tuccori University hospital of Pisa, Unit of adverse drug reactions monitoring UADRM, Italy ENCePP partners

Vera Ehrenstein

Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Denmark ENCePP partners
Annette Cleveland Nielsen Danish Medicines Agency, Denmark HMA
Carla Torre University of Lisbon, Portugal CHMP, MWP
Frauke Naumann-Winter

Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical DevicesGermany

Ulla Wändel Liminga Swedish Medical Products Agency, Sweden PRAC
Iryna Vlasenko European Chapter of the International Diabetes Federation, Belgium PCWP
Arnold K. Chan TriNetX, USA ISPE
Gianluca Trifirò University of Verona, Department of Diagnostics and Public Health, Italy ISoP
Laura Pizzi

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, USA

Craig Simon Health Canada, Canada Health Canada
Hui-Lee Wong U.S. Food and Drug Administration, USA FDA
Gianmario Candore Bayer, Germany Industry
Nadia Amaouche European Medicines Agency, Human Medicines Division, the Netherlands EMA
Thomas Goedecke European Medicines Agency, Human Medicines Division, the Netherlands EMA


EMA European Medicines Agency
HMA Heads of Medicines Agencies
CHMP Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use
COMP Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products
PRAC Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee
PCWP Patients' and Consumers' Working Party
ISPE International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology
ISoP International Society of Pharmacovigilance
ISPOR International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (The professional society for health economics and outcomes research)
FDA Food and Drug Administration
MWP Methodological Working Party

Previous Steering Groups

General publications10 December 2018
Composition of Steering Group 2017-2019
General publications23 August 2016
Composition of Steering Group 2014-2016
General publications27 February 2013
Composition of Steering Group 2012-2013
General publications1 February 2010
Composition of Steering Group 2010-2011

Steering Group Meeting Reports