Page contentsPage contentsAgenda and Meeting ReportPresentations Agenda and Meeting Report Meeting Report 24 November 2015List of Participants 24 November 2015 Presentations Report from the Steering GroupSession introduction - Brainstorming on funding mechanisms for PASScenario 1 - Central mechanism for industry-funded studiesScenario 2 - Medication safety in pregnancyScenario 3 - Collaborative studies on vaccinesOFSEP - The French Registry of Multiple SclerosisLessons learned from PROTECT on common protocols for multi-database studiesWhy do we need methods to measure impact?A pilot experience on disseminating EMA alerts - Impact on medical prescribing at the Catalan Institute of HealthA pilot experience on disseminating EMA alerts - Impact on medical prescribing at the Catalan Institute of HealthMonitoring and evaluating the effect of regulatory action: some recent case studiesEstimation of renal function - implications for drug dosing in the elderly